You will required to and are expected to adhere to a Non-Disclosure Agreement should a design project be discussed, shared, or intended to be commercialised, and any details of the idea or the design project conceived by PAP Design are not to be covertly shared with a third party for any reason prior to obtaining consent.
A mutually agreed payment is usually required from you before or a design project is started by PAP Design, and all online payments for a product or a design service are currently processed via PayPal only.
In the design of your WebSite, WebCard, and WebCard Page, the images that you provide or the images and text from your website or social media accounts, must be free from all copyright infringement laws.
To send in your images or documents as attachments by e-mail, for example in the design process for a website or a webcard, please select the blue coloured 'E-Mail Envelope Icon'.
Card Payments and Card Holder Details are not stored and are not processed via this/my website.
Your contact details may be stored to process your product or service, and will not be passed on to a third party without your consent or without being notified for reasons such as Third Party products or services not associated with PAP Design.

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